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    Washington D.C. 結果共22筆

  • Philippines and US commit to peace in Taiwan Strait

    The 11th Philippines-United States Bilateral Strategic Dialogue concluded in Washington D.C., emphasizing peace in the Taiwan Strait and opposing force in territorial disputes. The dialogue focused on maintaining a free Indo-Pacific and expanding cooperation in digital, space, and democracy sectors, with plans to sign the GSOMIA by year’s end.
    2024/04/25 17:57
  • 終於贏了!海莉華府共和黨初選擊敗川普

    美國共和黨總統初選今(4)日來到首都華盛頓哥倫比亞特區(Washington, D.C.,簡稱華盛頓特區),此前連戰皆敗的前駐聯合國大使海莉(Nikki Haley),終於以超過6成支持率擊敗前總統川普(Donald Trump),拿下初選首勝,但華盛頓特區多年來一直是民主黨鐵票倉,縱使海莉贏得這華府,恐怕也難翻轉局面,
    2024/03/04 11:44
  • 華府又傳劫車命案 歹徒開槍擊斃「川普時期政府官」

    美國華盛頓特區(Washington, D.C.)上個月29日驚傳劫車命案,沒想到死者身分竟是前總統川普(Donald Trump)執政時期的「商品期貨交易委員會」(CFTC)幕僚長,死訊傳出後也有多名官員表達哀悼之意。
    2024/02/04 15:30
  • K-Pop Icon IU set to perform at Taipei Arena in April 2024

    South Korean star IU, known as the "Nation’s Little Sister," has surprised fans by revealing her 2024 world tour schedule on Instagram. The acclaimed singer-songwriter, composer, and actress will be performing at the Taipei Arena on April 6 and 7. This marks IU’s return to Taiwan after four years and her debut performance at the renowned venue. IU is highly popular in Taiwan, thanks to her past visits and engaging activities for her fans. The "2024 IU H.E.R. World Tour Concert" will take her to various global cities, including Seoul, Yokohama, Singapore, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, London, Berlin, Bangkok, Osaka, Newark, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Rosemont, Oakland, and Los Angeles. IU is not only known for her powerful singing ability but also for her top-notch acting skills, showcased in hit Korean dramas such as "My Mister" and "Hotel del Luna." With the announcement of her Taiwan concerts, a ticket sales frenzy is expected.
    2024/01/17 16:39
  • Alexander Yui assumes role as Taiwan’s envoy to U.S.

    Alexander Yui, Taiwan’s new representative to the United States, arrived in Washington D.C. on Monday (Dec. 11), to assume his post. Ingrid Larson, the managing director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), welcomed him at the airport. Yui’s arrival follows the resignation of former representative Hsiao Bi-khim on Nov. 20. Yui, who had recently become the top envoy to the EU and Belgium, was chosen to replace Hsiao. Yui emphasized security, economic and trade cooperation, and Taiwan’s international space as the key aspects of Taiwan-U.S. relations. He highlighted the need to safeguard Taiwan’s upcoming election from external influences. Yui committed to deepening Taiwan-U.S. relations by building on Hsiao’s work and collaborating with his embassy team. Laura Rosenberger, chair of AIT, expressed confidence in Yui’s experience and anticipated further development and strengthening of the bilateral partnership.
    2023/12/12 13:27
  • Hsiao Bi-khim launches ’Cat Warrior’ YouTube show

    DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim has launched a YouTube show called "Bi-khim Cat Warrior Meow Meow Meow" to share stories about President Tsai Ing-wen’s cat, Think Think, and discuss her own experiences with pets and the concept of "cat warrior" diplomacy. In the first episode, Hsiao recounts finding a stray kitten in Hualien and offering it to Tsai, who accepted and named it Think Think. Hsiao also introduces her four cats at home and expresses her longing for them as they await their return from the U.S. The concept of "cat warrior" diplomacy represents Hsiao’s strategy in international diplomacy, as she believes cats’ characteristics like balance, agility, and having nine lives are effective in this field. Hsiao recently returned to Taiwan from Washington D.C. to resume her duties as Taiwan’s representative to the U.S.
    2023/11/29 21:01
  • Over 60% U.S. arms sales to Taiwan are traditional

    Over 60% of U.S. military sales owed to Taiwan consist of traditional capabilities, with F-16 fighter jets and M1 tanks accounting for over half of the total amount. This is according to data compiled by the Washington D.C.-based Cato Institute. The total U.S. arms sales backlog to Taiwan is NT$617.2 billion, as per data from the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The Cato Institute further breaks down the U.S. arms sales backlog into three main categories: conventional, asymmetric, and munition capabilities, making up 63.2%, 22%, and 14.8% of the total backlog respectively. Uncompleted deliveries of traditional equipment amount to around NT$390 billion, while delayed asymmetric capabilities total about NT$135.9 billion, and munition accounts for approximately NT$91.3 billion. The dominance of traditional arms in the backlog consumes a large part of Taiwan’s limited defense resources, despite the U.S. government not officially releasing a detailed breakdown of the weapons sold to Taiwan.
    2023/11/07 18:32
  • U.S. national zoo to return giant pandas to China

    The Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C. is preparing to send three giant pandas back to China, potentially leaving the U.S. without a giant panda for the first time in 50 years. All giant pandas rented by the United States are scheduled to return to China by 2024, and no new agreements have been signed. Rising tensions between the U.S. and China, as well as high costs, have led countries to either return pandas early or not renew contracts. China has engaged in "panda diplomacy," sending 21 giant pandas to various countries since 2014, with the average lease time extended from 10 to 15 years. In the event of a panda’s death during the rental period, China can claim damages ranging from NT$16 million to NT$32 million from the leasing country.
    2023/11/07 16:01
  • Su Tseng-chang to speak at NED’s 40th anniversary

    Former premier Su Tseng-chang has been invited by President Tsai Ing-wen to speak at the 40th anniversary celebration of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Su’s long-standing commitment to Taiwan’s democracy and freedom, which began during the authoritarian era, has been praised by President Tsai. The NED, which recognized President Tsai’s contribution to democracy and human rights during its 40th year, awarded her the "Democracy Service Medal" during their president’s visit to Taiwan in July. Su’s participation in the event is significant, as he advocated for marriage equality during his term as premier and defended Taiwan’s democratic freedoms during the global pandemic. The NED celebration will take place on the evening of November 14 Eastern Time, with Su scheduled to arrive in Washington D.C. on the evening of November 13 Eastern Time.
    2023/11/03 21:34
  • Hou Yu-ih shares ’unique background’ with U.S. officials

    Kuomintang’s presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih discusses law enforcement and national security during a meeting with U.S. Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill. The conversation focuses on Taiwan-U.S. relations and cross-strait issues.
    2023/09/20 20:23
  • KMT presidential candidate seeks to deepen Taiwan-U.S. ties

    Presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih highlights his commitment to cross-strait peace and Taiwan’s security. Get insights from his recent overseas Taiwanese banquet in Washington, D.C.
    2023/09/18 20:07
  • KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih set to visit U.S. from Sept. 14-21

    New Taipei City Mayor and Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate, Hou Yu-ih, will embark on an eight-day visit to the United States from Sept. 14 to 21, with his itinerary spanning New York, Washington D.C., and San Francisco.
    2023/08/24 19:37
  • 小小年紀學壞!美「12歲少年持槍劫車」 女駕駛嚇傻乖乖交鑰匙

    美國華盛頓特區(Washington, D.C.)上週驚傳1起「持槍劫車」案件,值得注意的是犯下此案的竟是1名年僅12歲的少年,他在試圖搶走1名女子的車輛未果後隨即逃離現,不過警方仍循線將其逮捕,目前他被指控持械劫車、無證攜槍等罪名。
    2023/08/22 17:25
  • AI生成作品爭議!美法院主張「未經人工輸入」無法主張版權

    AI(人工智慧)的誕生雖然讓人們生活更加便捷,不過仍延伸出諸多具爭議性的話題,「版權」便是其中之一,而美國華盛頓特區(Washington, D.C.)的一間法院近期裁定在「未經任何人工輸入」下產生的人工智慧藝術作品就無法主張擁有版權。
    2023/08/22 09:58
  • 龍捲風、冰雹來襲!華府政府辦公室提前關、逾兩千架航班取消

    隨著氣象預報員警告美東地區可能面臨龍捲風、破壞性風勢和大冰雹等天氣威脅,首都「華盛頓特區」(Washington D.C)的政府辦公室於當地時間7日稍早宣布關閉,另外當地機場也有超過2000架航班取消、7700架航班延誤。
    2023/08/08 10:55
  • 遭9.5億伏特閃電擊中!她心跳停止 連手錶都融化

    美國28歲女子安伯(Amber Escudero-Kontostathis)去年生日前往華盛頓特區(Washington, D.C)幫烏克蘭難民募款時,突然下起傾盆大雨,她前往一棵樹下躲雨後,樹突遭一道閃電擊中,9.5億伏特電流沿樹幹傳送到地面,再竄入樹附近的人體內,導致3死1重傷,她是唯一的倖存者;近日她受訪回憶雷擊造成的駭人傷勢,和艱難的復健之路。  
    2023/06/14 16:18
  • 音爆巨響嚇壞華府居民 美軍出動F-16攔截闖禁區客機

    美國首都華盛頓特區(Washington D.C.)4日突然傳出音爆巨響,一架不知名且無回應的私人客機,在沒有獲得授權下闖入華府上空,迫使美軍只能緊急讓F-16戰機(F-16 Fighting Falcon)升空,進行追蹤與攔截的動作。《路透》(Reuters)報導,這架闖大禍的客機稍早已在維吉尼亞州山區墜毀,目前知道機上載有4人、沒有任何人生還,但該機登記擁有者、二手車商「Encore Motors」老闆約翰(John Rumpel)卻對墜機與誤闖領空一事毫無頭緒,只能交由聯邦政府進行後續調查。
    2023/06/05 09:43
  • Ex-NSC official urges stronger missile arsenal for Taiwan

    WASHINGTON D.C. (TVBS News) — Former White House National Security Council official Ivan Kanapathy has shared his insights on how Taiwan can enhance its defense capabilities in a recent interview with Commentator Wenchi Yu on TVBS Meeting Room. 
    2023/04/22 16:42
  • Ko Wen-je meets with U.S.-Taiwan experts in Washington

    Former Taipei City Mayor Ko Wen-je met with U.S.-Taiwan Business Council President Rupert Hammond-Chambers in Washington D.C. on Monday (April 17) to talk about new avenues for bilateral cooperation.
    2023/04/18 19:33
  • CSIS holds China Power Conference

    Global experts shared their perspective and insight on mainland China’s policies and current stance in the world at the China Power annual conference held by the Center for Strategic & International Studies.
    2022/11/18 19:53
  • Taiwan hosts National Day gala at Twin Oaks Estate in D.C.

    The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States hosted a National Day banquet at the Twin Oaks estate in Washington, D.C. to celebrate Taiwan’s upcoming National Day.
    2022/10/07 19:00
  • 美國野狐夜闖動物園屠殺25隻紅鶴 釀20年來最慘傷亡

    美國華盛頓特區(Washington, D.C.)日前傳出有一隻野生赤狐闖入國會山莊咬傷多人的意外,不料近期又發生類似事件。一隻野生狐狸闖進位於華府的美國國家動物園(National Zoological Park),破壞柵欄後竟「屠殺」多達25隻紅鶴,創下近20年來最嚴重的動物攻擊事件。
    2022/05/06 17:12
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